
On this site there are some links to the symbianize forum , to see the links on this forum you need a login:

username: mynokiaC3

password: nokiac3

If need some tutorial or you have problems about the C3 feel free to send me some message to victorcorthals@msn.com ! ;)

all what YOU do with your mobile is your responsebility not mine!

Opera Mini

Opera Mini:

Get the fastest mobile browser with Opera Mini. By compressing pages with Opera's servers, Opera Mini not only loads webpages faster, but it saves on data charges since it uses about a tenth of the data of normal browsers.

A new, refreshed interface looks better on your device and gives Opera Mini a sleek, modern appearance. You can also share web content with others on popular social networks.

Opera Mini is the ultimate browser for browsing on slow Internet connections. 

(download here)

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